welcome to 4CUS GROUP

the Largest
business experts

We offer engineering and consulting services
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4CUS GROUP was established...

in 2014 to provide professional engineering and consulting services to the public sector, private sector, and to stateowned enterprises. We are committed to contributing towards the reconstruction of South Africa through infrastructural development, and we have the resources and expertise to meet current and future challenges in all the disciplines that we operate in.

Having diversified our engineering footprint from our initial focus of civil engineering, we now offer multidisciplinary services including, Petroleum products and gas supply, mechanical and civil engineering, roads and transport, as well as project and facilities management services.

Have any question? Give us a call

(+27)11 568 7409

Core practices

What sets the direction for 4CUS GROUP?


To be a global player in the provision of innovative engineering services and solutions. We are committed to consistently meeting or exceeding our clients expectations


To deliver world class engineering services and solutions that exceed customer expectations while earning equitable returns needed to sustain our welfare and environmental surroundings.


Our values are aimed towards Dedication to Client’s Success, Value for Money, Process Oriented Transparency, Creativity and Innovations, Precision and Clarity Positive Thinking and Social Responsibility

Mission is to Protect
your Businesses &
Much More

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To enhance its professionalism and network with current and potential customers, 4CUS Group maintains corporate membership and fully participates in the activities of the following professional institutes:


Southern African Auditor & Training Certification Authority


The Institute of Risk Management South Africa


The South African Quality Institute


South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health


South Africa Institute of Occupational Hygiene

  • Value for Money

  • Process Oriented

  • Transparency

  • Creativity and Innovations

  • Precision and Clarity


Years of

Our Clients

Some of the many clients we service
  • Reliable and Smart

  • professional team

Creating value through business

business rethinking?

We are aware of the correlation between qualification, motivation and company success. We therefore, encourage and sponsor our employees in further education and training while sharing in the company’s overall success. For an efficient and smooth project delivery, we acquire the latest technologies and equipment’s to our client’s specification and satisfaction.

the experts

Let’s make a call request

We deliver the best
customer experience